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Social Entrepreneur December 28, 2010

Posted by matthew5sixteen in Uncategorized.
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Dear all readers, present and future,

I have spent much time thinking about the path that I should take regarding this blog. I believe that I have too many flaws of my own to be a critical voice in the world. I have been very hypocritical in the younger parts of my life, and I don’t want to repeat that behavior.

Having spent time learning about the other pressing issues in this world, I have decided to take my time and effort into the area of social entrepreneurship. Instead of simply being a critical voice, I think it might be better if I acted to improve the lives of others.

Seeing the impact that unemployment has on people in the United States and in poorer countries around the world, I would like to try to do something about it. I’m starting a new site that will focus on helping people to become entrepreneurs. The site is at listentree.wordpress.com. It is fairly new and is currently in development. If you find nothing there when you visit, it’s because I’m still trying to figure out how to approach this idea of social entrepreneurship.

I hope that the field of Men’s Rights will continue to blossom and bring fairness and equality to both men and women. May the advocates of Men’s Rights bring meaningful change to the lives of men and women everywhere.

I hope that my new path will yield fruit and have a meaningful, positive impact on the lives of many people.


Taking a break from posting August 9, 2010

Posted by matthew5sixteen in Uncategorized.

I have decided to take a break from posting for awhile. Writing for this blog is mostly a hobby for me, so I wasn’t prepared for the difficulties that I would encounter from having a blog. I have recently had to blacklist a commenter because the person’s views were so divergent from mainstream Christian beliefs. I did not feel comfortable doing this. I would have liked to be able to talk to the person in a manner which would be beneficial to the both of us.

I would like to take time to think about the blog and what its purpose is. I am concerned that the original purpose I had for the blog is beyond my capability to write about. The Christian aspect of my blog is not adequately served because I do not have enough theological training to be able to debate someone concerning Christianity.

I do not have much original material on my blog. I mostly comment on other people’s posts or articles. If you would like to see a glimpse of what I would have posted if I did not take a break, simply visit Biblical Manhood for MRA (Men’s Rights Activist) and MGTOW (Men Go Their Own Way) material. Also, visit WordPress’s Christianity tag surfer. Those are my main sources of material.

I wish you all good reading.
